Plan your event
Plan your event
BusinessPlanning & Strategy

Three Tips on Planning a Successful Event

Expect the Unexpected

I find the number one thing to planning a successful event is caring about not just a smooth general session or flawless dinner gala, it’s also about genuinely caring about the event outcome for the client. It gives me extra motivation to plan an event that goes above and beyond the client’s expectations.

Did the conference motivate the audience to go out and be better business leaders? Did the event raise enough money to make a difference in their local community? No matter what the topic, if you care about more then simple logistics it typically works out better for everyone.

Care About More than Just Logistics

Are you an A type personality? Yah, well me too. I think its safe to say a majority of people who work in the event industry are in the same boat or Myers-Brigg category.  There are always about a zillion balls in the air to keep straight with each event. Inevitably this proves to be challenging.

Expecting the unexpected is key and will make or break you. If you stay calm, so will your co-workers, volunteers and clients. Plan all that you can, but then be flexible with the things that will sneak up on you beyond your best pre-planning efforts.

Try and Have Some Fun

Sometimes this last one is easier to do then others. We’ve all had those events that were more like waking nightmares than a jolly good time. Still, finding a way to have some fun while working is important. And yes, you can have fun while staying professional. In Chicago? Find time to take the crew to get some deep dish pizza. In LA? In & Out is always a clear winner. Haven’t seen the sun or breathed in fresh air for four days….yah, well that one is tricky. Hopefully you like your co-workers enough to tell fun stories, see photos of their kids or pets, hear about worse event experiences, and squeeze in some fun along the way.

These are just a few tidbits I’ve learned working on events over the years. To see more about what Streamline Event Agency has been up to this last year, click around our new website.

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Plan your event